Sober living

Nutrition Guide For Addiction Recovery

People with alcohol use disorder are more likely to have a less nutritious diet, which exacerbates vitamin deficiencies. Alcohol tends to affect the absorption of all vitamins, but particularly vitamin B12, best vitamins for recovering alcoholics which depletes even with moderate alcohol use. Certain vitamins are vital to repairing and building cells required for bodily functions. First, you’ll need a full nutritional workup from your family doctor.

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Those who struggle with post-workout muscle soreness should absolutely try Beam Revive Antioxidant Capsules. These capsules are specifically formulated to support muscle recovery and repair. They contain nano hemp for stress-relief and relaxation, which willow bark to ease physical discomfort and EGCG, a compound with antioxidant properties that are favorable for recovery. You can take these capsules at any time of day, making this supplement easy to incorporate into your daily routine. Athletes with arthritis say taking this turmeric supplement helps keep their joints loose and pain-free so they can continue participating in the sports they love.

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Exclusive Lifestyle, Nutrition & Health Advice

During the withdrawal process, alcohol cravings and irregular appetite may occur. To help manage these withdrawal symptoms, incorporate healthy food choices and regular eating patterns into your daily routine. Nutrient-dense foods, such as fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains, can help provide the necessary nourishment for your body during this challenging time.

Role of Fatty Acids, Amino Acids, and Other Nutrients in Alcohol Recovery

what vitamins are good for recovering alcoholics

Drug and alcohol addiction can rob a person of their health by causing considerable nutrient deficiencies that may exacerbate symptoms of withdrawal or present barriers to recovery. At Banyan Treatment Centers Boca Raton, we know that nutrient therapy in early recovery can help replenish what addiction has taken. Some nutrients are crucial for proper brain or body functionality, so it’s important to follow the right regimen of vitamins for alcoholics and addicts in recovery.

The Role of Vitamins in the Body

  • Some of the best food sources of zinc include oysters, grass-fed beef, pumpkin seeds, cashews, mushrooms and spinach.
  • Previous posts commented on evidence for natural supplements, weak electrical current, and mindfulness for reducing drug and alcohol use and treating symptoms of withdrawal.
  • And just like vitamin B and zinc, alcohol affects how the body absorbs iron from food, causing an imbalance when you first stop drinking.

An overall healthy diet and lifestyle can have beneficial effects. So, adding these vitamins can aid in your recovery and help prevent vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Multivitamins can help prevent and treat vitamin and mineral deficiency. James Lake, M.D., a clinical assistant professor at the University of Arizona College of Medicine, works to transform mental health care through the evidence-based uses of alternative therapies. Anyone who is struggling with a serious drinking problem should seek professional care. The commitment Shiling has made to patient care also has a personal component.

Broken and Bleeding: Emotional Trauma and Substance Use Disorder

For those in the withdrawal phase, the most common food craving is sugar. One reason this occurs is because blood sugar levels are known to fluctuate during early recovery, causing someone to crave sugar more than usual. Sugar can also provide a dopamine release, which can feel especially satisfying for someone already craving the dopamine burst alcohol provides. This can be desirable for those managing withdrawal symptoms like fatigue and insomnia. As we’ll discuss below, it’s best to avoid these types of food in order to keep your body as healthy as possible as it navigates withdrawal symptoms and recovers from alcohol.

what vitamins are good for recovering alcoholics

  • As a dietitian, I like to promote “food first.” However, when our bodies are low on essential nutrients, the best way to replete those nutrients is with supplementation.
  • Eating disorders and substance use disorders share multiple similarities in displayed behavior.

This substance has been shown to cause deficiencies in essential nutrients, including vitamins and minerals that are needed to support detoxification and other biochemical processes. If you have been drinking to excess, be sure to educate yourself about how exactly alcohol causes nutrient deficiencies. This deficiency can lead to problems, such as slow wound healing, softening of the bones, skin problems, decreased blood clotting, and neurological damage. Therefore, doctors may recommend nutrient supplementation as part of an individual’s detoxification and recovery process. People who live with alcohol use disorder may develop a range of symptoms if they stop drinking suddenly.

This includes neurotransmitter and hormonal activity, both of which can have a huge effect on your mood and brain function. Research shows that increased anxiety is one of the primary reasons why substance abusers and alcoholics tend to relapse (23, 24). They’re included in my Free Grocery Shopping Guide for Optimal Brain and Mental Health. Nutritional deficiencies can also cause withdrawal-like symptoms such as fatigue, depression, irritability, and other mental symptoms that block recovery and lead to a relapse.

Best Supplements for Athletes with Pain and Inflammation

Plus, there is a correlation between less nutritious food intake and alcohol intake. If you’re looking for the most necessary vitamins to include moving forward, this article is for you. Shiling and Bebo pointed to the case of a patient who arrived at CeDAR severely intoxicated and exhibited “the classic triad of symptoms” of Wernicke encephalopathy, as Bebo put it. The patient received IV thiamine treatment within one hour, helping to lead to a positive outcome. Benzodiazepines activate a neurotransmitter called GABA (gamma amino butyric acid), preventing seizures that can arise as fatal complications of withdrawals. Whether you’ve suffered from withdrawals or you’re trying to help someone else, you’ll want to become familiar with the withdrawal vitamins listed below.

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